Is Thumsters the right fit for your family? Take our quiz and find out.

Create more thumbs up moments!

Thumsters encourages kids to make intentional, respectful behaviour decisions, in line with your family's values. Make every moment a thumbs up moment and watch your kids and your family thrive!

"...nothing has had a bigger impact on my parenting in such a short time as this Thumsters App". - C Shannon

Thumsters Children Dashboard
Thumbs Up Screen
Kids Mode Dashboard

Tell them they are doing great with a

Thumbs Up!

Positive reinforcement, regardless of your child's age, builds self-esteem and confidence. A simple thumbs up acknowledging their good behavior can have an even greater impact, showing them that their positive choices are noticed and appreciated!

Thumbs Up Image

Acknowledge their positive behaviour

Thumsters makes it easy for parents to encourage behaviors that align with family values. Kids will love the colorful screens and motivating sounds as they earn thumbs up, and the goal achieved screen provides the ultimate positive reinforcement.

Discourage the behavior you don't want - WITHOUT yelling.

Experts agree that recognizing negative behavior respectfully is crucial for both adults and kids. While it's sometimes challenging to manage emotions and decisions, children are still learning self-regulation and self-control. Instead of yelling, threatening, or isolating, a simple thumbs down is an effective way to indicate that a behavior doesn't align with family values. It invites discussion about why the behavior was inappropriate and how to respond differently next time, fostering healthy communication and connection.

Child Manager/Info Screen & Three Kids in a Window

Set goals and watch them flourish.

Just as goal-setting helps us stay focused, it does the same for kids.
With Thumsters, you can set thrilling goals for your kids to achieve! Each thumbs up propels them closer to their targets, encouraging positive behavior and building healthy habits. Watch as their initial excitement for rewards (extrinsic motivation) transforms into genuine motivation (intrinsic motivation), creating lifelong healthy habits and personal growth.


Empower your family with Thumsters Plus

Unlimited goals for your children

Understand your family’s progress with advanced reporting

Get everyone one involved with Family Sharing

Give kids ownership of their journey with kids mode



1 goal per child



Family Sharing

Custom Thumb Reasons

Kids Mode

Thumb Bank

Attach notes to thumbs

Apple Watch Companion

*coming soon



Thumsters Report Screen Demo


Discover insights into your child’s behaviour

Unlock the power of the reporting function to easily detect where, why, and when positive or negative behaviors occur. Gain a comprehensive view of any conflicts or repetitive negative behaviors, and identify where you need to step in and support your child. This feature helps you have informed and meaningful discussions with your children about behavior strategies.

Thumsters Report Graph Demo


Get everyone involved.

Bring the whole family together with a shared account across multiple devices! Parents, carers, babysitters, and more can all stay connected, promoting continuity and consistency in parenting. This feature sets healthy boundaries and ensures everyone is on the same page, fostering seamless collaboration and stronger family connections with Thumsters.

Added Member Demo
Invite Code Demo
Thumsters Custom Reasons Demo


Create custom reasons

While the app comes pre-loaded with a comprehensive list of thumbs up and thumbs down reasons, you can add your own to make it even more fun and uniquely tailored to your family. Customize Thumsters to perfectly fit your parenting style!


Apple Watch Compatibility

Quickly recognize and reinforce positive behavior on the go with Thumsters on your Apple Watch. Access features like reporting, notifications, and thumb allocation right from your wrist!

Thumsters Apple Watch Demo
Thumsters Emotions Demo Thumsters Kids Mode Demo


Thumsters Kids Mode

By popular demand, we've released the Thumsters Kids Mode! Now kids can track their own progress and choose which goals receive thumbs from their 'thumb bank,' making goal-setting and achievement even more engaging and fun.


Feed Feature

Stay in the loop with your child's behavior in real-time! Instantly see when your child receives a thumbs up or down, the behaviors they were recognized for, and when goals are achieved and rewarded. Keep track of their progress and celebrate their successes as they happen!

Thumsters Feed Item Demo

Huge Improvements in both our ASD children We have been using this app for a few weeks now and seeing huge improvements with both of our children! It’s been a great visual aid for our kids who are both on the autism spectrum and helped our 4 year old start to understand the differences between positive behaviour and negative behaviours! I think with time our 2 year old daughter will really grow to understand these differences too!! The app has ...

ASD Mumma

What a fantastic app! Wow, what a different child! I’ve started using Thumbsters as I realized I was focusing way too much on my 3 yr old’s bad behavior, and not rewarding the good. Since using the app, she is a different child. She is using manners, is helpful packing up, is listening the first time, and is showing affection - the app even encouraged her to participate in her dance class. She loves touching the screen for a thumbs ...


Game changer I’ve been using this for the past couple of weeks and I am SO IMPRESSED! I use my account as 3 times a day my daughter can get thumbs up or down. Then when she gets a certain amount of thumbs up it’s either ice cream, beach trip or screen time. This is working really well for us. My little girl is two and easily understands what is going on. My husband works long hours so we have ...


A mobile reward chart - total game changer!! We recently discovered the Thumsters parenting app and decided to give it a go, based on positive reviews from a friend. I was a little skeptical at first as reward charts never worked for our family in the past. But this was a total game changer! It is basically a reward chart in an app-form, and you can take it with you even when out and about to encourage and motivate positive ...

Photographer mumma

Bedtime is changed forever! I cannot recommend this app enough. It has changed bedtime with our kids forever. We have gone from multiple issues at bedtime and our little girl trying to delay it as long as possible to a quick and easy bedtime. She is so eager to earn a thumbs up to get her reward. It has also massively helped with keeping her in her own bed at night. Tonight will be night 10 of her staying in her ...


Gamifying Parenting to another level! The thumsters parenting app is a life saver. We have been using it with our 4 and 9 year old boys and have found a massive improvement with their behaviour. The app is kid friendly and is a great visual to encourage continuous positive behaviour. The gamification with the thumbs and streaks that are shown has made both boys want to keep working towards good behaviour! We also love the premium version because it gave ...


We have had an awesome couple of weeks since downloading the app. My kids are starting to have more initiative and we are only having to ask for them to do something once. The rewards are a great way to keep the kids on track, would definitely recommend.

Amber Wood

Terrific app! It really works well for motivating my son to help out around the house and to chill with the tantrums. He laughs everytime he gets to push thumbs up or even down because it makes a silly sound so even when he gets a thumbs down for naughty behavior, it turns what could be a negative experience into a positive one. We both love this app. 👍😉

Amber G

We have been using the Thumsters app with our 3 kids (ages 6, 4 and 2) and it has honestly been an absolute game changer. I have been wanting to create a rewards chart for years, but I havent found the right one and I didnt want to create my own (no time Ive got 3 little kids lol). So cue my lifesaver...Thumsters! My kids have responded so well and it has been a great motivator for them to ...

Bethany Sita

When you live in a large family household like ours, it's important to work together as a team to get things organised. My youngest daughter, Martina wasn't keen on tidying up her toys, but since we've been using the @thumstersparentingapp the last few weeks, Martina has been working towards her goal of more screen time, she has been very helpful! I am really impressed with her and her positive behaviour. She is only 4 and the app has given ...

Claire Louise Hooker

What a great way to reinforce positive behaviour we have been using this app for over 2 weeks now and the changes in behaviour is amazing . I love that you can have on multiple devices . And that this is something the kids can get involved in aswell. They get excited to look at their goals and achievments.

Danielle Nguyen

We have been using the app over the past 2 weeks, to focus on rewarding positive behavior with things my girls want. Their motivation to do what needs to get done had increased massively. They no longer whinge about packing up toys or involving their in their games, as they see the positive outcomes they get from it.

Debora O'Donnell

Amazing parenting app! We've had a great experience with Thumsters and will continue to use it. My son really enjoys getting involved and my favourite feature is that it gives you the initiative to explain the 'why'. Highly recommended!

Ella Fletcher

We love the app! It's really helped encourage positive behaviours from our girls and they love being so involved. We've noticed a really big change in such a short time. I love that I can customise the reasons as well to make it more personal to the girls

James Ellis

Such an easy app to use. The visuals and sounds are great. It's definitely curbed the negative behaviour. My girls are more aware of their behaviour and are motivated to reach their goals and earn rewards.

Jenny Vaka

A great interactive parenting app We’ve really loved using this app, and has been a great tool to reinforce positive behaviours and choices for our children. My daughter particularly has enjoyed how interactive the app has been, with great colours and sounds to keep her motivated, and has really benefited from coming together to negotiate rewards. I also really like how the app focuses on rewards from positive behaviour choices as opposed to “consequences” as well as providing a report ...


We have tried everything and this app really helped our night time routine for the better. We had a fussy 3 year old that wouldn't brush teeth or eat dinner without tantrums. Now is excited to do all above. The app is easy to use. Would highly recommend it.

Krystal Webb

We are trying to teach our 4 year old 'Reward for effort'. The Thumsters app makes it easier, as not only do we have a rewards chart to work off but being interactive is a winner. Our daughter is always excited to press the thumbs up! Not so happy pressing thumbs down. Would definitely recommend.

Laura Duzevich

We've been using this app for our now 4 year old son who has ADHD. It has been a great tool to visualize the choices he makes (in green and red) and he can tell that he needs to "turn his day around" from the red of the poor choices that he impulsively makes, causing him to think more before making choices. His psychologist likes that he can see how my son is doing in the reports section and ...

Molly Chapman

I’m so glad I found this app I have been using this for both my 4 year old and my 8 year old. I used it on my 4 year old for behavioural issues we were having, including first time listening, not getting out of bed etc and it worked amazing for her. For my 8 year old we worked on her attitude problems 🤨 and her chores. She was wanting a pet budgie for a while so we needed ...

2hearts 1love

Easy and amazing!! I am so glad we have started using this app! Reward charts at home I find are difficult to keep up with especially going out and about and remembering to add them when we get home. Using the thumsters app we can reward our daughters behaviour when we go out there and then. I love that not only can we use it on the iPad but also our phones and iwatches!! My daughter loves the sound of ...


My kids do thing just to hear the thumbs-up sound and are proud of how many thumbs up they get! I like that I can keep track of their behavior to see patterns and create incentives to increase good behavior.

Amara Root

We love using the Thumsters app!! It's been such an effective way to encourage positive behaviours in my children. They take initiative, are so much more helpful around the house & it's been a game changer with stopping bed wetting overnight. Could recommend it enough!

Rose Ellis

Great motivator for ADHD, SPD, ODD kids. We focus on positive 90% of the time and only use the negative for big infractions on occasion.

Angela Eschler

This app works fantastically for creating good habits, even with kids who are a little older, at 11 and 9 it really helped we were able to talk about their goals together and they could see their progress.

Kim Martin

We have been trialling the app with our 5 year old and I'm seriously blown away by how well she has taken to it. It's been so helpful with getting her to help around the house and clean her room alot to without the tantrums 😂

Kirsty Caruso

Parenting app for kids, the best invention yet! My kids behaviour have changed since using this app. Highly recommended.

Krystal S

I give this app of 5-star review because it is a really cool app and now I can stay track of how my family is doing and how many bad things they do and how many good things they do

Valentina De Santiago Tamayo

Wowww seriously 1 hour in and my daughter's attitude has changed. She's doing the dishes .... what??? Amazing so far.. started with lots of thumbs down but i live she's in control.

nikki mcgrane

I love this app! My son gets a "thumbs up" for each time he does good at feeding his animals, good at school and doing his homework. We make goals together in the app so as he earns thumbs ups, they go toward his goals of getting to do fun things.

Kyle and Jessica Wade

Pocket Parenting tool — Highly recommend! We’ve been using the Thumster’s Parenting App a few short weeks and are already seeing huge positive behaviour changes with our daughter. The app has helped us create a working morning & night routine while allowing our daughter to feel like she is being included which has been a really big game changer! She’s actively trying to achieve a thumbs up and has strived to stay clear of a thumbs down. We love that ...
