
What to Do If You Suspect Your Child Has ADHD: A Guide for Parents (Ages 5-12)

"What to Do If You Suspect Your Child Has ADHD: A Guide for Parents (Ages 5-12)" offers a comprehensive guide for parents concerned about ADHD in their children. It highlights identifying symptoms, the importance of professional assessment, and offers practical parenting strategies and potential parenting tools that may assist in supporting your neurodivergent kiddo.

 As parents, we always want the best for our children. However, sometimes we may notice certain behavioral patterns or struggles that might raise concerns or the need for extra support. If you suspect your child might have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), it's essential to take proactive steps to support their well-being and development, and the earlier the better. In this guide, we'll explore common traits of ADHD, practical tips to manage symptoms, and how the Thumsters Parenting App can offer a valuable resource for families with neurodivergent children. 

Recognizing ADHD Symptoms in Children (Ages 5-12):

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects millions of children worldwide. Identifying early signs is crucial for timely intervention. Common symptoms of ADHD in children aged 5 to 12 include:


1. Inattention: Difficulty staying focused at home and school, often easily distracted, frequently forgetful, or regularly struggles to follow instructions or complete tasks.

2. Hyperactivity: Constant fidgeting, inability to stay seated, excessive talking, and difficulty playing quietly.

3. Impulsivity: Acting without thinking, difficulty waiting for their turn, and interrupting conversations or activities.

4. Poor Time Management: Difficulty organizing tasks, often late for appointments or activities, and forgets about or is easily overwhelmed by responsibilities or new concepts.


Seeking a Professional Assessment:

If you observe a consistent pattern of these symptoms (and what child doesn't find it hard to sit still at times or not interrupt??), consult with a paediatrician, child psychologist or other child mental health professional for a comprehensive assessment. A proper evaluation will help confirm or rule out ADHD, as well as identify any co-existing conditions that may require extra attention and support. Consulting with a professional who can diagnose and treat adhd will ensure your child accesses an appropriate treatment plan created specifically for their needs.  This may or may not include medication or other kinds of behavioral therapy, play therapy or counselling.

Practical Strategies for Parenting Children with ADHD:

Once diagnosed, supporting your child's needs is the next step. Whilst ADHD can sound scary, with the right support neurodivergent kids (and adults!) can be high functioning, successful people, ADHD can even offer some significant strengths! Here are some practical strategies for parents to help children with ADHD thrive:

1. Establish Routines: Consistent daily routines provide structure and predictability, which can be particularly beneficial for children with ADHD.

2. Break Tasks into Smaller Steps: Dividing tasks into manageable parts can help children feel less overwhelmed and boost their confidence as they complete each step. Giving them a Thumsters thumbs up gives them an extra dopamine hit and confidence boost!

3. Use Visual Aids: Visual schedules, charts, and reminders can help your child stay organized and focused throughout the day.

4. Provide Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate your child's achievements and progress, using positive reinforcement tools like Thumsters App to motivate and encourage positive behaviors works WONDERS for ADHD kids! The fun visuals, sounds and extra motivation helps kids learn to be self-motivated and develops awesome positive behavior habits. With neurodivergent kiddos, developing habits is what it's all about!

5. Encourage Physical Activity: Regular physical exercise can help channel excess energy and improve focus and self-regulation.

6. Establish a healthy sleep routine: people with ADHD can find sleep difficult for a myriad of reasons, however having healthy sleep is important for brain and cognitive function (for everyone, but particularly for ADHD kids!) We have a handful of blogs on creating a healthy sleep routine, you can check them out here.


How Thumsters Parenting App Can Help:

Thumsters Parenting App is a powerful tool designed to support families including those who have children with ADHD. The app utilizes the science of positive recognition and reinforcement to encourage children to create and follow routines, complete tasks, and develop positive behavior habits independently. But be warned: side effects may include children with growing independence, an increase in self confidence, and a home with kess stress and where connection and communication between parents and kids abounds!

 Thumsters offers a customizable recognition and goal based system that allows parents to set up positive reinforcement for specific behaviors and tasks, such as following routines, completing chores, or managing time effectively. Children are given virtual thumbs up for their achievements and receive small goals/rewards overtime for their positive behavior choices.  Kids with ADHD love the instant recognition and fun sounds and visuals, which offer an instant dopamine hit (something their neurodiverse brains seek out and CRAVE). Whilst they get instant feedback/dopamine via the thumbs up sounds and visuals, it also helps them stick with learning a new task or behavior, and motivates them to remember to complete a task or practise self-regulate by giving them a goal/reward to work towards.  It may also help motivate them to stay on top of that impulsive type behavior…..  What starts as an extrinsically motivated goal (the reward) easily and efficiently becomes an INTRINSICALLY motivated positive habit using the Thumsters app.

Endorsement by Family Therapists and Psychologists:

Thumsters is highly recommended by many child therapists and psychologists for its efficacy in encouraging positive behavior choices and developing healthy behavior habits. By involving children in the process of setting up their own goals, and providing positive recognition for their positive behavior choices as they work towards, Thumsters fosters a sense of ownership and motivation in children, which is especially beneficial for those with ADHD or other neurodivergent conditions.  Thumsters also helps create a calmer home environment by giving parents with ADHD kids a more respectful and calm way of recognising negative behavior via the thumbs down button if they choose. This eliminates the need for yelling, spanking, grounding or timeouts, or other shame-based parenting techniques.

If you suspect your child may have ADHD, seeking professional evaluation is the first step towards understanding their needs better and learning how to be their advocate and safe support person. Implementing practical strategies and utilizing tools like the Thumsters Parenting App can provide invaluable support in helping your child thrive. By focusing on positive recognition and reinforcement and fostering independence by motivating them towards healthy habit building, parents can empower their neurodivergent children to build lasting habits that promote growth and well-being.

At Thumsters, it would be our honour to support you as you embark on a journey of positive parenting and growth with your neurodivergent child, empowering them to develop essential habits, embrace routines, and foster a sense of self confidence and accomplishment. Join tens of thousands of families thriving with Thumsters and create a happier and more fulfilling parenting experience and a calmer, positive home environment. Take the first step towards supporting your child's development by downloading the Thumsters Parenting App today. Let's create more thumbs up moments together!